I love Pennsylvania.

I’ve traveled all across this commonwealth and I’ve met so many families just like my own. Good people, who work their butts off and still the basic bargain of a good school, a good job, and a safe community is out of reach. I know it all too well. We deserve a government that works for working families. That starts with being serious about fixing what’s broken. And it means having an Auditor General who isn’t afraid to stand up for those too often forgotten by our government.

I’m running for Auditor General because it’s time for the underdog to be a watchdog for Pennsylvania’s working families. To ask the tough questions, to help reimagine and streamline government, and to help build the coalitions to fix what’s wrong. It’s what I’ve done as a State Representative for nearly five years, working to protect workers' rights, enact common-sense gun safety policies, and root out government corruption and waste. I’ve had multiple legislative leadership roles: as a member of the powerful State Government Committee with oversight on state agencies and elections, minority Chair of the Subcommittee on Campaign Finance and Elections, minority Chair of Automation and Technology in the Committee on Commerce, and a member of the Finance Committee.

As Auditor General, I will rebuild the Bureau of School Audits, restart the annual compliance audits ended by the current Auditor General, and demand accountability from all our schools — including cyber charter schools.

As Auditor General, I will stand up for our workers by creating the first ever Bureau of Labor and Worker Protections and use the power of the office to take on wage theft, employee misclassification, and union busting. Every worker deserves a decent wage and the right to unionize. I’ll also protect pension funds by ensuring they are properly funded and managed.

As Auditor General, I will use the office to measure and support efforts to make communities healthier and safer. We need transparency on how huge hospital nonprofits and long term care providers use state dollars. We need to analyze our approach to community safety and gun violence reduction to target investments in the things that really work to reduce crime, particularly gun crimes.

Folks in every corner of Pennsylvania have welcomed me into their neighborhoods, their homes and their faith communities. They’ve told me their stories and I’ve shared my own. In those conversations we’ve talked about Pennsylvania’s problems, but also its promise. Young people born today will live into the next century. What we do now and how we do it will determine the inheritance we leave.